
“1st Global Hakka Music Awards” Guidelines

一、 目的









  • 初賽報名期間: 111年3月21日至5月31日止。
  • 入圍複賽名單公布日期: 111年6月15日。
  • 入圍複賽者專業培訓:111年6月25 -26日。(依實際狀況調整)
  • 複賽時間:111年7月9日(六)下午3點,地點:台北信義新光三越香堤大道廣場。
  • 入圍決賽者專業培訓:111年8月6~7日。(依實際狀況調整)
  • 決賽與頒獎典禮:111年8月20日(六)下午1點,地點: Legacy Taipei 音樂展演空間。

五、 參賽組別


六、 報名方式:

(一) 創作組報名方式

  • 個人、組合、樂團等形式不拘,惟組成人員之主要成員不得與其他團隊成員重疊,且不可跨組重複報名。
  • 報名演唱之歌曲須以原創自創曲的形式,每人(組)報名參選作品總計至多三件(含共同創作);詞或曲分屬不同人創作者連同演唱人,都應共同報名參賽。
  • 報名請至活動官網填寫報名表、上傳作品音檔、照片(正面清晰半身或全身照)等相關資料,始可完成報名程序。(照片規格: JPEG檔,檔案大小至少1MB;音檔格式:WAV、MP4)

(二) 歌唱組報名方式

  • 歌唱組得以獨唱、重唱或合唱等方式表演,形式不拘,惟組成人員之主要成員不得與其他團隊成員重疊,且不可跨組重複報名。
  • 報名演唱之歌曲須自選一首客家流行歌曲,每人報名參選作品總計至多一件,初審以提供清唱影音檔為主。
  • 報名請至活動官網填寫報名表、上傳清唱影音檔作品、照片(正面清晰半身或全身照)等相關資料,始可完成報名程序。(照片規格: JPEG檔,檔案大小至少1MB;報名影片請提供YouTube連結)

七、 參賽歌曲形式:

(一) 創作組參賽歌曲形式

  • 須為原創作品,參賽原創作品之定義為同時包含詞、曲創作,以同一團隊名義報名之原創作品,詞或曲可由該團隊不同人創作。
  • 參賽作品皆須提供歌曲說明介紹。
  • 參賽作品內容風格、曲風不限,惟須涵蓋客家元素,每首歌以3~6分鐘為限。
  • 參賽之原創作品,應未於其他公開比賽獲獎或數位/實體發行。

(二) 歌唱組參賽歌曲形式


八、 外國人士參賽說明:

(一) 外國入圍者指居住於本國國外(臺、澎、金、馬以外)之具備外國國籍參賽者。

(二) 初賽一律採網路報名,同第六點報名方式辦理參賽。

(三) 入圍複賽或決賽之外國團隊,來臺須配合該期間臺灣入境管制措施與防疫相關規定,除第十一點外國入圍者相關補助外,其餘費用需自行負擔。

(四) 入圍複賽、決賽者,若因為疫情無法來臺,可選擇以影片方式參賽,參賽影片須在拍攝前提供拍攝規劃,並符合以下規範:

  • 入圍複賽影片拍攝地點可選擇當地排練室或LIVE HOUSE;入圍決賽影片拍攝地點須以當地LIVE HOUSE為主。
  • 參賽影片需以HD高畫質One Take一鏡到底方式拍攝,包括聲音與影像等均不得經過剪輯、後製等處理,違反規定者視同自動棄賽。
  • 參賽影片請於比賽日前7日,將影片連結寄到指定信箱,待工作人員確認無誤並回信後,才算完成。
  • 遵照官方最新公告為準。

九、 評審方式:

(一) 由主辦單位遴聘專業人士組成評審團,負責評審工作,評審作業分初賽、複賽及決賽階段。參賽作品審查內容如下:

  • 初賽:以參賽者報名時所提供之音樂作品作為評分依據。創作組包含詞、曲、編曲、演唱、音樂完整度等項目。
  • 複賽:須以Live Band形式演出。創作組Live Band編制與形式不拘,歌唱組則會安排音樂總監協助每首參賽歌曲,改編成現場表演版本,並規劃事前彩排和練團,當天由樂手幫參賽者伴奏表演。以呈現演出完整度為評分考量,包含詞、曲、編曲、演唱、現場舞臺演繹、服裝造型等項目。每組隊伍演出時間以3~6分鐘為限,未達或超過限定時間者,將依評審團決議酌量扣分。
  • 決賽:須以Live Band形式演出,創作組與歌唱組比賽形式與複賽相同。除評審團外,另邀請20位業界代表,組成觀察團,成員包括廣播電臺、電視、網路等媒體以及音樂等相關產業代表,透過其對於市場的敏銳度,共同參與評審。評分比例:專業評審70%、觀察團30%。
  • 各組入選複賽者以10組為原則、各組入選決賽者以6組為原則,實際名額由評審團決定。

十、 獎項、名額及獎金:

(一) 創作組

  • 首獎1名:獎金新臺幣30萬元、獎座1座、獎狀1面、得獎歌曲單曲錄製及MV 1部及得獎者專業培訓。
  • 貳獎1名:獎金新臺幣20萬元、獎座1座、獎狀1面、得獎歌曲單曲錄製及MV1部及得獎者專業培訓。
  • 參獎1名:獎金新臺幣10萬元、獎座1座、獎狀1面、得獎歌曲單曲錄製及MV1部及得獎者專業培訓。
  • 佳作3名:獎金各新臺幣5萬元、獎狀各1面。

(二) 歌唱組

  • 首獎1名:獎金新臺幣15萬元、獎座1座、獎狀1面。
  • 貳獎1名:獎金新臺幣10萬元、獎座1座、獎狀1面。
  • 參獎1名:獎金新臺幣5萬元、獎座1座、獎狀1面。

(三) 得獎獎金應由共同得獎者自行決定獎金分配。

(四) 本賽事得視參賽作品增減獎項名額或從缺。

十一、 非居住雙北或外國入圍者相關補助規定:

(一) 非居住雙北地區之入圍者:

  • 複賽或決賽入圍者皆可提出申請交通及住宿補助。
  • 需於複賽日或決賽日前2週以電子郵件方式提出申請,並填寫申請表格(如附件),申請名額僅限報名時填寫之演出人員人數。
  • 提供完成申請者每場賽事經濟艙之飛機、高鐵、船舶、臺鐵、客運等交通工具,以及2晚住宿補助(3天2夜),住宿每人每晚上限新臺幣2,000元,屆時檢據覈實核銷支付。
  • 駕駛自用汽(機)車者,其交通費得按同路段公民營客運汽車最高等級之票價報支,並提出票價證明。且不得另行報支油料、過路(橋)、停車等費用。
  • 請款需檢附交通工具搭乘存根及住宿收據或發票等證明文件,連同申請人之匯款帳號影本,並於活動結束15日內提出,以方便後續審查。

(二) 外國入圍者:

  • 複賽或決賽入圍者皆可提出申請交通及住宿補助。
  • 需於複賽日或決賽日前2週以電子郵件方式提出申請,並填寫申請表格(如附件),申請名額僅限報名時填寫之演出人員人數。
  • 提供完成申請者每場賽事經濟艙之飛機、高鐵、船舶、臺鐵、客運等交通工具,以及3晚住宿補助(4天3夜),住宿每人每晚上限新臺幣2,000元,屆時檢據覈實核銷支付。
  • 請款需檢附登機證存根以及住宿收據或發票等證明文件,連同申請人之匯款帳號影本,並於活動結束15日內提出,以方便後續審查。
  • 入圍複賽或決賽者若因疫情無法來臺參賽,可提供場地租借與影片拍攝相關單據證明申請參賽影片補助,複賽入圍每組最高補助新臺幣5萬元、決賽入圍每組最高補助新臺幣8萬元。

十二、 注意事項:

(一) 參賽作品及報名相關資料恕不退件。

(二) 參賽者/團隊須配合主辦單位所訂時間、地點參加培訓、彩排、練團,不得任意更改或取消,若無故缺席,主辦單位有權取消決賽參賽資格。

(三) 完成報名後原報名成員不得任意更換,違反者,不列入比賽評分。若有特殊情形需先向主辦單位提出申請,待主辦單位核定為準。

(四) 複賽與決賽當日演唱順序事前以抽籤決定,並將結果公布於現場與活動官網網站。

(五) 創作組參賽作品若為參賽者自行創作,且須未得獎、數位/實體公開發行之作品,且無發生侵害第三人著作權之情事;如有抄襲、重製、侵權、誹謗或違反其他法令等情形發生,除取消得獎資格,追回獎金外,將由參賽者自負相關法律責任,並得對得獎者求償主辦單位之得獎作品專輯修正、發行及銷毀之費用;得獎者應無條件繳回已領之獎金、獎座、獎狀等。

(六) 本活動頒發之獎金將依所得稅法扣繳百分之十,外籍人士則扣繳百分之二十。

十三、 授權及配合推廣義務:

(一) 為達到活動宣傳效果及系列報導之延續完整性,所有參賽者報名比賽即視為同意主辦單位授權於相關指定合作媒體或平臺,得無償使用參賽者之姓名、肖像、視聽著作及錄音著作,於各相關活動宣材、報導刊登及廣播、電視、網路等媒體,進行公開播送及公開傳輸。

(二) 公布決賽入選名單團隊後,入圍者應配合主辦單位規劃,協助有關決賽演出等重要相關訊息之揭露與宣傳(包含但不限於運用新媒體作訊息發布、訊息轉貼/轉知、接受媒體訪問等)。

(三) 獲獎者之得獎作品,應同意於著作權存續期間內無償授權主辦單位得在非商業及商業數位發行用途下,由主辦單位或其授權之第三人將該得獎作品包括但不限於歌詞與曲譜重製、編輯、出版、再版,以及歌曲錄製成CD專輯及音樂錄影帶(MV)由國內外重製、散布、改作、編輯、公開演出;並於無線、有線、衛星之類比及數位電視頻道、廣播電臺、電影院、集會場所及電腦網路,進行公開播送、公開上映及公開傳輸。

(四) 得獎者應配合參加主辦單位所舉辦之頒獎典禮,以及錄製得獎作品CD專輯、參加其他宣傳推廣活動。但前經主辦單位同意或有正當理由無法親自參加,得獎者應同意無償授權主辦單位指定第三人公開演出得獎作品。

(五) 得獎者應配合參加主辦單位所安排之培訓課程與宣傳活動等規劃。

(六) 主辦單位將於賽程現場專人錄影及拍照記錄,參賽團隊不得有異議。

十四、 防疫相關規定:

(一) 二級警戒下:

  • 表演或彩排過程中需將口罩脫下之參賽團隊,須於彩排前3日提交快篩檢測證明與小黃卡,並造冊予主辦單位,配合場館相關防疫計畫。
  • 實聯制:所有參賽者及觀賽民眾皆需實聯制方可入場,控制人數依照中央流行疫情指揮中心公告為準。
  • 配戴口罩:活動現場所有人員皆須全程配戴口罩,除上台演唱外;勸導不聽者,主辦單位有權取消參賽資格或禁止入內。
  • 量測體溫:若體溫超過37.5度者,將無法入場;若為參賽者將安排於安置區域稍作休息,再進行測量,若仍超過37.5度則取消該次參賽資格,並協助引導就醫。
  • 禁止飲食:會場內禁止飲食。
  • 酒精消毒:活動現場備有酒精供參與者手部消毒;參賽者演唱之麥克風定時消毒擦拭。
  • 所有防疫規定皆遵照中央流行疫情指揮中心之規定做滾動式調整,並同步公告於官網。

(二) 三級警戒下:



1. Purpose: 

To expand and promote Hakka pop music, lead new trends of pop music, and search for the future star of Hakka pop music, hope that throughout the design classes and fostering, new talents can walkinto the pop music industry.

2. Organizer:

Organized by: Hakka Affairs Council of Taiwan
Coorganize d by: Ministry of Culture 、 Overseas Community
Affairs Council
Implemented by: New Vision Integrated Marketing Communication Co., Ltd.

3. Qualification:

Participation are open to all nationalities, ages, and those that are interested in Hakka culture, music composition, and singing.

4. Contest Schedule:

(1)Deadline for Preliminary Registration: From March 21 to May 31, 2022.
(2)Announcement date for Semi-Finalists: June 15, 2022.
(3)Professional Training for Semi-Finalists: June 25-26, 2022. ( Adjust according to the actual situation.)
(4)Semi-final Schedule: 3 P.M. (Saturday), July 9, 2022. Venue: Taipei Xinyi Chianti Avenue Plaza
(5)Professional Training for Finalists: August 6-7, 2022. (Adjust according to the actual situation.)
(6)Finals and Award Presentation Ceremony: 1 P.M. (Saturday), August 20, 2022. Venue: Legacy Taipei

5. Contest Category:

This competition are divided into “Composition Category” and “Singing Category.”

6. Registration:

Online registration only. (http://www.hakkapopmusic.com.tw)

(1) Registration for Composition Category

  • Open to individuals, teams, and bands. However, the main members of the compositions may not overlap with members of other registration or register concurrently through other categories.
  • The songs that are registered to perform must be original song. Each person (category) can register up to 3 songs (including joint composition). Different artists of lyrics or music should be applied for contest registration along with the performer.
  • For registration, please complete the application form from the main website, upload the audio file of the entries, photo (full-faced and high-resolution half-length or full-length photo), and other information before completing the registration procedures (Photo specification: JPEG file with the size of at least 1MB; Audio file format: WAV、MP4)

(2) Registration for Singing Category

  • The singing category may be performed through solo, ensemble, or chorus, without the restriction of mode. However, the main members of the compositions may not overlap with members of other registration or register concurrently through other categories.
  • The songs that are registered for performance must be Hakka pop Music ( at least per person one ). The preliminary round requires mostly the audio of cappella.
  • For registration, please send out the application form to the main website, upload the audio of the cappella work, photos (full-faced and high-resolution half-length of full-length photo), and other information before completing the registration procedures. (Photo specification: JPEG file with the size of at least 1MB. Please provide the YouTube link for the registration video).

7. Form of contest music:

(1) Composition Category Music

  • Music must be an original song. The definition of original song includes the lyrics and music composition, the original song concurrently registered under the same category. The lyrics or music can be composed by a different person from the team.
  • All entries works must be companied by the introduction and description of the lyrics.
  • The content and musical style of the entries are not limited. However, the entries must include Hakka elements and the length of song limit is about 3~6minutes the most.
  • The original song for the competition should not have won awards in other public competitions or have been digitally/physically distributed.

(2) Singing Category Music
A pop song of your choice, which must cover Hakka lyrics or Hakka music elements, etc. The length of a cappella is limited to 2-3 minutes.

8. Instruction for overseas contestants:

(1) Foreign finalists refer to those with foreign nationality who live abroad (other than Taiwan, Penghu, Kinmen, and Matsu).

(2) Online registration is only for preliminary rounds and the registration for the contest is the same as the way in Clause 6.

(3) Overseas teams for semi-final or finals must comply with the arrival control measures and anti-pandemic requirement of Taiwan during that period. Apart from the relevant funding for overseas semi-finalists and finalists as described in Clause 11, such overseas shall pay for other expenses at their own expense.

(4) For those shortlisted for the semi-finals and finalists, if they cannot come to Taiwan due to the pandemic, they can choose to participate in the form of films. The participating film must provide a shooting plan before the shoot and comply with the following requirement:

  • The shooting venue for semi finalist may be in the local rehearsal room or LIVE HOUSE. The film for finals must be produced in local LIVE HOUSE only.
  • All entries film must be produced in HD high-resolution One Take, including audio and video, no editing, post-production, etc. Violators may be deemed as a waiver of the contest.
  • Send the link of the entries film to the designated email within 7 days prior to the contest. Registration will be completed by email confirmation.
  • Compliance with conditions subject to the latest official announcement.

9. Judgement:

(1) The organizer shall select professionals to form a judging team who is responsible for the evaluation. The evaluation process includes the preliminary, semi-finals, and finals. The entries are reviewed for the following content:

  • Preliminary: The music entries provided by the contestant for registration shall be used as a scoring basis. The composition category includes lyrics, music, arrangement, performance, and musical richness.
  • Semi-Finals: Must be performed through Live Band. The live Band of composition category is not confined to any arrangement and form while the singing category will be arranged with the music director to assist in arranging every entries song into a liver performance version. The director also plans the pre-rehearsal and band practice. Musicians will accompany the contestant on performance day. The score is based on the completeness of the performance, including lyrics, music, arrangement, singing, live stage performance, costume modeling and other extra props. Each team is limited to 3~6 minutes of performance time. Those without reaching or exceeding the specified time limit shall be deducted for points according to the resolution of the judging team.
  • Finals: Must be performed through Live Band. The competition format of the composition category and the singing category are the same as that of the semi-finals. In addition to the judging team, 20 representatives from the industry will be invited to form the observation team. The members include representatives of industries in radio stations, TV, online media, and the music industry, who will join the evaluation through their acuity to the market. The proportion of scoring includes 70% from professional judges and 30% from the observation team.
  • The semi-finalists of each category are limited to 10 teams, with each category of finalists limited to 6 teams in general. The actual number of teams shall be determined by the judges.

10. Awards, Places and Prizes pool:

(1) Composition Category

  • One 1st Place: Prize pool of NTD300,000, a Trophy, a Certificate of Merit, an Award-winning song recording and MV, and professional training for winning contestants.
  • One 2nd Place: Prize pool of NTD200,000, a Trophy, a Certificate of Merit, an Award-winning song recording and MV, and professional training for winning contestants.
  • One 3rd Place: Prize pool of NTD100,000, a Trophy, a Certificate of Merit, an Award-winning song recording and MV, and professional training for winning contestants.
  • Three Honorable Mention: Prize pool of NTD50,000 and a Certificate of Merit.

(2) Singing Category

  • One 1st Place: Prize pool of NTD150,000, a Trophy, and a Certificate of Merit.
  • One 2nd Place: Prize pool of NTD100,000, a Trophy, and a Certificate of Merit.
  • One 3rd Place: Prize pool of NTD50,000, a Trophy, and a Certificate of Merit.

(3) The award prize should be determined by the co-winners at their own discretion.

(4) This competition may increase or decrease the number of awards there for depending on the entries.

11. Regulation governing funding for semi-finalists or finalists living outside of Taipei City/New Taipei City or overseas:

(1) Living outside of Taipei City/New Taipei City:

  • Semi-finalists or finalists may apply the funding for transportation and accommodation.
  • Submit the application via email within 2 weeks prior to the date of semi-final or final, fill out the application form (as shown in the appendix). The number of applications are limited to the number of performers that filled out for registration.
  • The flight ticket for economy class, high-speed railway ticket, vessel, Taiwan Railway, bus, and other transportations, as well as funding for accommodation (3 days and 2 nights) for each round of the contest will be provided for completion of the application. The reimbursement of an accommodation for per person per night is limited to NTD2,000, with the submission of invoices.
  • Those who drove or rode themselves shall be reimbursed with the transportation fees equivalent to the highest class of fare for the public bus on the same road section, with the submission of proof of fare price. The applicant may not receive reimbursement for gasoline, road (bridge) tokens, and parking fees.
  • For reimbursement, enclose the stubs of transportation mode taken and receipt/invoice of accommodation as well as other supporting documents along with the copy of the applicant’s bank remittance account to submit in 15 days after the end of the activity for review later.

(2) Foreign finalists:

  • Semi-finalists or finalists may apply the funding for transportation and accommodation.
  • Submit the application via email within 2 weeks prior to the semi-final or final date and fill out the application form (as shown in the appendix). The number of applications are limited to the number of performers that filled out for registration.
  • The flight ticket for economy class, high-speed railway ticket, vessel, Taiwan Railway, bus, and other transportation modes, as well as funding for accommodation (4 days and 3 nights) for each of the contest will be provided for completion of the application. The reimbursement of an accommodation for per person per night is limited to NTD2,000, with the submission of invoices.
  • For reimbursement, enclose the stubs of boarding pass and receipt/invoice of accommodation as well as other supporting documents along with the copy of the applicant’s bank remittance account to submit in 15 days after the end of the activity for review later.
  • Semi-finalists and finalists who could not come to Taiwan due to the pandemic situation may apply the funding of entries film with the submission of venue leasing and film shooting-related receipts. Up to NTD50,000 may be funded to each semi-finalist team and up to NT80,000 to each finalist team.

12. Notice:

(1) The contest entries and registration-related documents will not be returned.
Lyrics in the composition category must be “Hakka Chinese Character” for the use of Hakka words. For Hakka Chinese characters, please refer to the Dictionary of Frequently-Used Taiwan Hakka (website: https://hakkadict.moe.edu.tw/) and use the “Hakka Pingyin Plan” from the Ministry of Education for Hakka pinyin. The same procedures apply to the disclosed information of subsequent promotion (including MV, joint production, and publication) of the winning entries. The organizer reserves the right to make the correction without notice.

(2) Participant/team must participate in the training, rehearsal, and group practice according to the time and venue specified by the organizer. The participant/team may not change or cancel the participation without authorization. The organizer reserves the right to disqualify the contest from the final round if the participant/group is absent without a proper reason.

(3) Do not change the member initially registered upon completion. Violators may be excluded from contest scoring. For any special circumstance, submit the application to the organizer in advance for approval.

(4) The order of performance on the day of the semi-finals and finals is determined by drawing lots. The results will be published on the official website and the event.

(5) The works for the composition category must be composed by the contestant without prior award winning and digital/physical publication. The entries may not infringe the copyright of a third party will be disqualification from award winning and the entrants will be responsible for the relevant legal responsibilities. Contestants will be required to return the prize and bear the relevant legal liability solely. The organizer may also claim for any correction, publication, and disposal fees for the winning entries albums from the winners. The winners shall return the prize, trophy, and certificate of merits immediately.

(6) The prizes awarded by this activity will be withheld 10% as income tax according to the Income Tax Act and 20% for foreigners.

13. Authorization and Obligation of Promotion:

(1) For the extensive completion of promotion and series reporting, all contestants registering shall be deemed as consent for the organizer to authorize assigned media or platform for the use of the contestant’s name, portrait, video publication, and audit publication, for public broadcasting and transmission in relevant activity promotion materials, report publication and radio station, TV and internet media for free.

(2) After announcing the finalists, they shall cooperate with the organizer about the disclosure and promotion of important information related to the final performance (including but not subject to the use of new media as information release, information re-post/forward, and acceptance of media interview).

(3) The winners shall agree on free authorization to the organizer under the duration of copyright for the winning song. For the purpose of non-commercial and commercial digital publication, the organizer or authorized third party may reproduce, arrange, publish and republish the winning works, including but not limited to the lyrics and music. The organizer or authorized third party may also record the songs in CD albums and music videos (MV) to reproduce, distribute, alter, arrange, and perform to public in Taiwan or abroad; in addition to broadcast to public and transmit throughout wireless, cabled, satellite analog and digital TV channels, radio stations, movie theaters, assembly venue, and computer network.

(4) The winners shall attend an award giving ceremony held by the organizer and record an CD album of their winning song, and participate in other promotional campaigns. However, if the organizer agrees on the winner could not participate in person themselves with a good reasons, they will be assigning to a third party to perform the winning enties of their own to the public for free.

(5) The winners shall participate in training courses and promotional activities that are arranged by the organizer.

(6) The organizer shall assign a specialist to record some clips and take photos. The teams can’t oppose.

14. Pandemic Prevention Rules:

(1) Level 2 Alert:

  • The teams taking off masks during performance or rehearsal need to submit the COVID-19 Self-Test and COVID-19 Vaccination Record to the organization with a list of people within 3 days prior to the rehearsal, in cooperation with the pandemic prevention plan at the venue.
  • Conduct name registration: All participants and the public shall take the conduct name registration before admission. The number of people for control is subject to the announcement from the Central Epidemic Command Center.
  • Facial Mask: All personnel at the activity site are required to wear facial masks, except for those performing on stage. Those refuse to wear masks will be disqualified or prohibited from admission by the organizer.
  • Body temperature: Contestants with a body temperature over 37.5℃ will be prohibited from admission. If the contestants are arranged for a break in the rest area and take body temperature for the second time still exceeding 37.5℃, the contestants shall be canceled for qualification and guided for medical treatment with assistance.
  • Food and drinks prohibited: Food and drinks are prohibited in the venue.
  • Disinfection by Rubbing Alcohol: Rubbing alcohol will be provided at the activity site for contestants to disinfect their hands. The microphones performed by contestants will be disinfected on a regular basis.
  • All pandemic prevention rules shall comply with the regulations released by the Central Epidemic Command Center and with rolling adjustment in addition to the announcement on the official website.

(2) Level 3 Alert:
All contest rounds will be postponed and re-scheduled with an announcement on the official website.

15. The organizer shall explain any matter of doubts or not mentioned herein. The organizer may also revise or change the activity without notice. All contestants from the activity are deemed as agreeing to the aforementioned terms and conditions.